

  • 雕刻家的闲暇时光 Leisure Time

    雕刻家的闲暇时光 Leisure Time

  • 动静之间 Flow

    动静之间 Flow

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    斗转星移 Metempsychosis

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    工商&邮政:丽江之翼 Business and Postoffice:Wings of Lijiang

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    借问老板何处去 Where is The Host

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    哭泣的见证者 Weaping Witness

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    流光溢彩 Colorful

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    偶遇 Accidental Meeting

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    人流桥上,水流桥下 People Walking,Water Flowing

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    人去夜空 Empty Street

  • 摄影师的自拍 Autodyne

    摄影师的自拍 Autodyne

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    时光轮转 Times

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    守护者 Guardian

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    天空之城 City & Sky

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    瞳 Pupilla

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    影·壁 Lonely Shadow

  • 雨夜 Rainy Night

    雨夜 Rainy Night